forex scalping 31 8 2015

12:20 PM |

forex scalping 31 8 2015

Today the day was very slow and choppy
We took two scalping trades one in eurjpy and one in gbpusd.
EURJPY delivered slowly the scalping target of 10 pips in approx one hour ,then for the next two hours stayed almost in the same levels but presented a high probability pattern I use and name as crocodile which saw north.
While I was waiting the pattern to deploy with small stop loss a short signal in gbpusd appeared and entered a limit order in the breath of the pair.
The order triggered but things went slow for this pair too.
While I was in this pair I have closed the eurjpy trade because I saw the reversal coming ,
Finally after almost one hour and in the starting of New York gbpusd delivered the scalping target and closed everything since the choppiness and slow market tired me.
This pair also tried to reverse just after I closed the trade by sawing opposite signal and then again reversed with a final signal which produced 60 pips.
The end of the month is always full of ranging and unexpected moves and today's charts  and trading present this in a clear way.
All of the above is written in the two hour video.
Below you can check the three  pairs we watch every day with the trades on and the remarks.

forex scalping eurjpy
forex scalping gbpusd
forex scalping gbpjpy


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